Deanna Adler

Weight Loss Coach and Motivational Speaker

Motivated by a passion to see women discover their own self-worth and beauty, Deanna tells her story in a way any woman can relate to. After years of battling a very serious weight problem, a miracle happened that changed her life forever. Instead of believing the skewed message of today’s culture, she began understanding what God said about her, her beauty, and her sense of worth. 12 months later, following through on her new sense of importance and purpose, she lost 125 pounds without the help of drugs or surgery. Her life is a true testimony of the power of believing God.

Deanna is now a motivational speaker, weight loss coach and decorated triathlete. Her story reminds us that no matter what we struggle with and what our goals are, the impossible CAN be achieved. The only limit to what is possible is what we choose to believe.

Deanna is currently available for speaking presentations, workshops or seminars that can focus on Health and Wellness, Self-Esteem, God and Religion, Goal-Setting, Motivation and more.   To request Deanna at your next speaking event, send an email to:  


Sample Speaking Topics:

From a Shack Perspective to a Temple Reality

1 Corinthians 6:19 says our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. What if you feel more like a broken-down shack than a temple of God? And, what if you’ve felt this way for a long, long time? Is it a lost cause to get a different perspective and turn things around? Listen to Deanna’s story and learn how you can change your perspective to believe what God says about you….and your body.

Mistaken Identity

Who are you? Really, who is the person God has created you to be? Are you already her? Do you know who she is? So many of us struggle with our identity because when we really stop to think about it, we’re not living the lives God intended for us. By getting caught up in the daily struggles and business of life, we’re living lives and listening to messages that God may not have desired for us. How do we get back in line with Him and what He intended? How do we find out what our purpose is and how to live that with fullness and joy? We’ll discover what the Bible says, what God intends, and learn to walk in the truth and fullness that He planned for us even before we were created.

Modern Day Miracles

Recall the miraculous things that Jesus did for people when he walked with us on the earth; raising the dead, instantly healing the sick, curing the blind. The Bible is full of examples of how God’s mighty hand intervened and amazing things happened in front of people’s eyes. Where are those kinds of miracles today? God still works in amazing and powerful ways for us today, we just have to look for the miracles differently. Deanna has a story that embodies the power of God and is a true Modern Day Miracle. Listen to her speak of how God rescued her from the brink of a dangerous surgery and a life of misery and desperation. From this, and the promises we can claim straight from the Bible, you can see that God’s love, healing and miracles are still available to all of us today.

Precious in His Sight

So many women struggle with self-worth and identity issues. With messages spiraling around us about how we’re not young enough, pretty enough or thin enough, it’s easy to get entangled in the lies of our culture and the enemy. When listening to Deanna’s story and hearing how she substituted the truths from God for the lies of our culture, we’re reminded that we are precious and worthy just the way we are. We are daughters of a mighty King! We can claim that and shift our lives to reflect it in everything we do.

Weight Management/Health

So many of us struggle with weight issues. When it comes down to it, most of us know the practical things we must do to lose weight; diet and exercise. However, with our busy lives and hectic schedules, many of us don’t feel like we have time to fit another thing in. Deanna has learned this very important lesson in her own life and will share practical tips and motivation to help you organize your life to incorporate these valuable skills.

